Berkeley Website Design


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Web Design Berkeley

There are 5 elements of website design every website should have.

1. Navigation

At Web Design Berkeley, we often see websites which are hard to navigate.

This is the most overlooked parts of most of the websites.

The site may be beautiful with plenty of content.

If it cannot be navigated easily, then, there is no use of the beautiful design.

Navigation should be easy to understand and intuitive.

Anyone including kids and technically-challenged people should be able to expertly navigate.

Complex and non-intuitive navigation will frustrate the visitors and they will quickly turn away from your site.

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2. Brand Consistency

Your site should be consistent with its colors and design elements.

Your logo should be visible and the visitors should quickly become familiar with your logo.

Consistent and repetitive use of your logo will create brand consistency and they will remember it for a long time.

Make sure, your website and other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have your logo.

3. Content

Good content is very important to the success of any website.

Visitors love a good, informative, educational and entertaining content.

Search Engines love what the search engine users love.

Make sure, you got great content on the site, free of grammatical errors and it flows well.

Make the articles easy to read without any complex sentence structure and unfamiliar words.

Your goal is to educate, entertain and inform the visitors not to show off your proficiency in the English language.

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4. Trust

Trust is a cornerstone of any business.

The more people trust you, the more business you would do.

How do you make the new visitors to trust your business?

One way to accomplish is to display your past clients’ testimonials.

Request your clients to write 4 to 5 sentences about your service.

If they really like your service, they would be more than happy to write testimonials.

Having positive testimonials will increase your conversion.


Onsite SEO is one of the most overlooked parts of website design. At Web Design Berkeley, we find that, to our surprise, most of the business owners are not familiar with Onsite SEO.

This is mainly because it’s not readily visible to the visitors.

However, it works behind the scene to improve your website ranking.

Your website should be optimized for the search engines.

The site should be proper Title Tags with keywords.

Use of Header Tags such as H1, H2, H3, etc. are recommended.

Installing Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml files is very important and helps search engines with crawling and indexing.

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